Saturday, December 15, 2007

Reality check

It amazes me how we've managed to find every disraction from the real reson for the season and focus on ourselves and "getting" instead of celebrating what we've already been given, the Savior. I got some difficult news last night about my fathers health that really shook me up. I would describe it as a silent, stunned, shock. Oh how I need divine direction on how to raise my boys up in this world to have their priorities straight. I guess it would help to have mine straight first. Anyway, pray for my dad. After all, Jesus came to overcome sin and death so that nothing would be impossible.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


my sister-in-law, shannon, sent me this clip. you've got to check it out.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Why is it...?

Why is it that my crying 3 year old isn't as sweet as when he was a crying newborn?
Why is it that my kids don't want to play with something until I'm trying to clean it up?
Why is it that my husband thinks he's doing me a favor when he brings home tupperware with 4 week old Brunswick stew in it that he never ate so I could have my tupperware back? (it went directly in the trash)
Why is it that I can sigh and give an encouraging smile when I see another mom's kids pitching a fit in the store but when my kids are doing that I want to wear their butts out until my arm is tired?
Why is it that a glass of wine never tasted so good after a temper tantrum?
Why is it that after what has happened this past hour, I still want to have a third? ...child, that is, not glass of wine... well, on the other hand... ;)