Friday, August 19, 2011

Thou that has given so much to me, Give one thing more--a grateful heart;
Not thankful when it pleases me, As if Thy blessings had spare days;
But such a heart, whose pulse may be Thy praise.

George Herbert

How awesome is it that his name is Herbert?! One of my favorite quotes of all time :)
We were all outside on the blanket playing one afternoon and Isaiah and Gabe started messing around with the mulch and the dirt was kind of sandy there from when we used to have a sandbox. They began creating a little village! Isaiah found tiny rocks for a campfire and even stuck leaves to sticks and used them like umbrellas. I LOVE this kind of play, where it really uses their creativity. Check it out!

Lily is 8 months old!

Where has time gone?! My precious baby girl is now pulling up everywhere, just cut her third tooth... time flies! Got some cut pics in the tub the other night, so here you go... feast on her preciousness :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fun day at City Park

This morning we met my two sister-in-laws and mother-in-law at Burlington's City Park for 50cent rides and a picnic lunch. It was a great day!

Is this not the cutest! I love how Luke is looking at Nathan :) He is a precious cousin to my kids, always looking out for the younger ones. Sweet, sweet heart.
My big guys!
Mychael holding Lily :) He's always so sweet to her!

Nathan's "blue steel"face ;) (you have to have see Zoolander)

I came home from the grocery store yesterday to this...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I love this picture of my beautiful niece Jordan holding Lily.

Lily fell asleep in the swing

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" ~Leonardo DaVinci

My goal is not sophistication, but the tremendous value simplicity brings. We often have to be forced into simplifying, but then find ourselves peacefully content. This world screams at us to be anything BUT simple...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Luke's new favorite thing is to walk around and tell Lily what's "jane-jus" (dangerous) :)