Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I'm back! Lots to catch up on! It's been a super-fun few weeks on the Forbis home-front! The weather has been unbelievable, so we've been outside whenever the sun is up :) We had lots of yard work to do (weeds galore!) Juatin tilled the garden after the "big dig" for Papa John's birthday. The dirt is beautiful, I think it's going to be a great year with lots of fresh goodies.

Peppers and tomatoes on the left, squash and melons in the middle, and potatoes on the right. We still have onions, corn, beans and lettuce(later) to plant. I am planting the herbs up by the house for convenience when cooking. It was very special to use the metal markers that my Grandmother had given me a while back. She had an amazing garden! She's pretty much amazing at whatever she touches :) They will be a sweet reminder and inspiration to me...

Easter 2012

We had such a wonderful Easter weekend. The weather was beautiful and we just spent it enjoying lots of family time. It was wonderful. I kept the baskets simple. I have a hard time getting into the whole "Easter bunny" thing. Christmas and Santa is one thing, but Good Friday and the Resurrection is just too much to gloss over for me. I don't want to take any fun away from my kids, but it is very important to me that they understand the real reason we celebrate. I don't want it to seem like an after-thought.
The kids spent the afternoon playing in a make-shift tent with their new Webkinz from Nana.
Then we headed to Aunt MaeMae's for an early dinner.

Lily's favorite person in the whole world, Uncle Jon

Sweet cousins Zach and Nathan taking the little ones for rides!
Dying to know what they were talking about!

My beautiful niece Jordan

Justin making sushi

"Oftentimes when brothers wrestle, it's just an excuse to hug one another"

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Twenty years from now
you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do.
So, throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the tradewinds in your sails.


-Mark Twain-