Friday, June 18, 2010

Lukey Goes to Jail

Yesterday afternoon I was shucking corn for dinner. Luke got the Cheerios out of the pantry and took them back to the boys room. He managed to get them open and the bag out and dragged the bag partially upside-down through the hall to the kitchen where he was BUSTED!!! Here's the trail...

So he went to jail while the big boys helped me clean up...

Around our house he's known as "The Destroyer" ;D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So today Gabe and Isaiah found a giant trash bag full of costumes in my closet. They've been there for a few months now. I got so tired of cleaning them up in their room that I decided to put them away for a while. Well, they dumped them all out and tried on every single one... "Mommy, can you zip this", "Mommy, this one's inside out", "Mommy, can you do these buttons..." Then they decided they were finished, and walked away. Uh-uh. I told them we weren't going to the store to get silly bandz until it was all cleaned up. It took them a good 10 minutes to shove everything back into that bag, and when they were finished I overheard Isaiah quietly say to Gabe "We're never ever gettin' this out again. Only when it's Halloween". AMEN. I love when they learn their lessons :)

In the car coming home from the wedding Gabe saw the sun shining on his legs and said "Mommy, look! I'm growing more fur!" I love his one-liners! Sometimes it's just what keeps me going :)
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