Thursday, November 06, 2008

belly update!

Well, here's the belly at 22 1/2 weeks. I still have a long way to go! Mama's gonna get big!

Monday, November 03, 2008

about the election...

My Mom forwarded this prayer to me a few days ago and it was so timely. I have had a very hard time this election season, finding a "side" I can believe in. To be honest, I flipped back and forth. It has been very confusing for me. No one "side" encompasses the way I feel in my heart... but this prayer does. After a lot of hard searching, I have come to the conclusion to not vote this year. I know some people have very stong feelings about that, and I completely understand. But at the same time, it just didn't feel right to throw my vote out there when I just don't feel sure. My Dad, a very passionate Republican, had strong views and knew what he believed. I am trying to find that, amidst the mess that our society is in. Raising young children today is a bit scary. What is accepted as "norm" just does not fly with me. The following prayer speaks to my heart. No President can "change" our nation... I truly believe it is up to us...

Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation
> 'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to
> ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and
> guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call
> evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have
> lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We
> have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have
> rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our
> unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and
> called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our
> children and called it building self esteem. We have abused
> power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's
> possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the
> air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of
> expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of
> our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh
> God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin
> and Set us free. Amen!'


Well, better late than never! Here are the boys enjoying the Halloween festivities in their new costumes that Grandma surprised them with! Ironman and the Red Ranger.