Yesterday morning, Gabe said, "Mommy, I lost Tiger. She at Grandpa's house?" After I caught my breath, I said "well, yeah, sort of" I love that at 2 years old, my son still has memories of my Dad. Instead of focusing on the fact that we've been robbed of making new memories, I try to focus on the memories he gave us and that they can last a lifetime as long as we don't let them die.
My kids are always wanting to know who's birthday is next on the calendar, even when it's months away. They love to start looking forward to it. Isaiah asked me when my birthday was and I told him first is Gabe's, then Luke's ;) then Daddy's and then Mommy's. He said, "Well, I'm going to buy you a dress when it's your birthday". Funny thing is that whenever my Dad would come for a visit, he would ALWAYS want to take me dress shopping, even if I didn't have an event coming where I'd need one. He would just say that every girl should have a beautiful dress to wear. It blew me away that that was the one thing that Isaiah had in mind to buy me for my birthday. Even this early, the likeness is showing. I thank God for every bit of my Dad that shows itself at random times.
Gabe was looking at my skin and was pointing out my many freckles, or "dot-dots" as he calls them. We discovered that he and I have a matching freckle on our left palms near the onside of our wrist. Isaiah and I have a matching freckle just below our belly button. God is so cool!
Our evening routine has been laying in bed and reading the Tale of Despereaux to the boys and then playing with my belly (Luke's usually kicking at bedtime) before the kids head off to bed. They gently poke and Luke pokes back. It's a lot of fun. Well, this morning Gabe poked my belly and nothing happened so he said "He's not talking?" It was cute.
Oh, and Isaiah called dibs on naming the
next baby... don't hold your breath spud. Pretty sure we're done!