Saturday, December 11, 2010

Our homemade Christmas decorations!

The boys and I made some decorations with popsicle sticks and glitter glue. I think they turned out great! We don't have a tree yet so we hung them in the windows.

Look! SIX stockings!!! :)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Back to normal

I am so glad to report that Lukey is all better from his croup and harmony has been restored to our home!!! Happy, smiling faces, giggles, and just the USUAL amount of whining ;) Next post: our homemade Christmas decorations!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Nothing worth while is easy

It has been rough around here lately. Luke has been getting up at night for several months now. We can't just let him cry because it would keep everyone awake. Then, last weekend, he came down with croup. It's been miserable! It's pitiful to watch how uncomfortable he is and exhausting to constantly try to console him. His crankiness is also mixed with the terrible two's so it's like the perfect storm. I am tired of being pregnant (feel a little guilty just saying that) but it's tough keeping up with everything. Even little things feel like such a chore. Isaiah started waking up a few times in the middle of the night acting kind of fussy/mad, in his sleep. He wouldn't remember it in the morning. So on little sleep and already feeling emotional, I feel like recently things haven't been normal. Like life is just so hard. What happened? Some of it is circumstances and I'm sure some of it is just my impatient attitude at the end of this pregnancy. Well, I hit the end of my rope the other night. Justin was getting home late from traveling to Georgia for a job and I had a horrible day. I just wanted to sit down and cry. Isaiah saw that I was exhausted and frustrated trying to console Luke and he said "Mommy, imagine if you wanted the baby to come right now and it did". It was half hilarious and half sobering. I managed to get the big boys in bed after lots of yelling :( When Justin walked in the door he took over. He had been up since 4am and it was now 11pm. He stayed up with fussy Luke so I could go to bed. It was a rough night, but he just kept telling me to get some sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling so refreshed. Then Isaiah brought this home in his backpack:
It couldn't have come at a better time! All the children were told to finish the sentence "I am thankful for..." and Isaiah picked me! That just makes my heart pound! It broke my heart when he told me that someone teased him for writing his Mommy. We talked about it and Isaiah wasn't at all upset. Sometimes I feel like all I am is "the bad guy" with rules and punishment, etc. It means so much to me that through his eyes, he sees love. I am blessed and I'll withstand any level of chaos that it takes to get to live this life. But I couldn't do it without my amazing husband who catches me when I fall...