I was talking with my sister-in-law the other day about how God is humorously trying to reshape my cares and prioroties when it comes to the way my kids look and dress. I will admit, I am probably a bit anal when it comes to things appearances. I try to let things slide that don't matter in the eternal scheme of things but it's hard sometimes. For example, check out this little number:
My three year old insists on picking out his own clothes every morning, and three or four other times a day for that matter, and my heart pounds as I await his always interesting fashion statement of the day. The other day he picked out a great outfit, as seen above, but of course had to throw in my belt to shake things up a bit. Only my parents can appreciate the incredible humor in this. As a little girl I would wear belts with all of my clothes: nightgowns, dresses, you name it, I had a belt on, along with tights and great sounding shoes. I about fell to the floor when he requested my help with this belt. He was completely serious, not just using it as a holder for a sword,which they also come in handy for. He just wanted to wear it.
At the beginning of the fall I had to roll up most of his pants at the ankle, still trying to figure out what size he was going to be this year. Well, he got so used to me doing that, that now he wants to roll up every pair of pants at the ankle, even ones that are not too long. He pairs them with boots that are slightly too big, and shirts that totally don't match, but he thinks he's the man... and he is. I constantly have to bite my tongue and let his personality blossom, as it is a beautiful sight. God's so sneaky. Through my son, He is teaching my the difference between "the cares of this world" and that which really matters.
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