Monday, September 08, 2008

Hello Second Trimester!!!

Well, I've been feeling much better lately! It's a good thing too. My household was out of control! Yesterday I got a burst of energy to take care of some major cleaning that needed to be done. Like my blogging friend "PioneerWoman" says, here's to keepin' it real:

This is the pile of... misc. that I swept up from the living room, dining room and kitchen. I guess it's a no brainer that I forfeit Mother of the Year. And while I was working on a glass design for a new customer, Gabe did this:

And all he had to say was "Mommy, my fwip-fwop got wet!" Oh and you can be sure that was my first concern too... (insert sarcasm)

1 comment:

sharon said...

you have identical pictures to some of mine. i wonder what male genes qualities we are going to see next!
thanks for the sweet comments on my 'olive shoots'! sometimes i wonder if we're heading in the right direction, then my husband reminds me that "it'll be fine, they're normal". i did find that instead of spanking them (when they're supposed to be going to sleep but are playing instead) i just make them stand in the middle of the room for more than few minutes, they get good and tired, and they listen to every word i have to say to them.
so how are you feeling?? when do you find out boy/girl?