Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkins & a Hay-ride at Iseley Farm

The kids and I went to a local farm for a hayride and pumpkins last week. It was a beautiful day! The first part of the hayride went great. We saw goats, newborn calves, kittens, and beautiful scenery. About halfway through, we had stopped to feed the big cows and I looked down and Luke had blood all over his face! A few weeks ago, a small red bump popped up on his nose. I wasn't sure if it was just a pimple or something, so I didn't think much of it and just waited. It never went away, and started to look like a small version of Lily's strawberry hemangioma on her chest. I remember the doctor telling me that they don't attempt to remove them because they will just bleed and bleed. And that's EXACTLY what Luke's nose did! Blood everywhere! It would NOT stop! Thankfully, I had packed a brand new package of baby wipes in my diaper bag. They came in handy! Luke became so irritated with me having to wipe his nose every few seconds, but the blood was coming out so fast, it was going to drip. After a few minutes, he was in full meltdown. And we had a long way back to the car. Thankfully, it stopped just minutes before arriving back at the pumpkin patch. All in all, it was a great time. Got to see some old sweet, familiar faces and meet some new ones. Here are some pics of our adventure...

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