Monday, November 07, 2011


Justin has been traveling a lot. A lot. I've sort of gotten used to it now, but we're just in a busy "season" as far as our kids ages are concerned. There's never a dull moment. I have so much to blog about but not enough time! Sometimes I find myself in a pity party, overwhelmed with the chaos. But then, I have a moment of clarity, and realize that these four little ones are God's miracles, entrusted into my care, to raise them and love them... it doesn't take long to get my head on straight and just want to gobble them up! Last week, while Justin was out of town, it was BUSY around here!!! Woowee! I like to share the "fun" stuff with Justin through email, so I captured these moments on camera... (these are two separate nights, just so you know...)

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