Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sweet story...

I have to share what happened last night with you. It's too cute! Justin had to go with his dad on an appointment in Winston Salem last night, and didn't get home until 11:00pm. When he got home he went in to check on each of the boys before he came to bed. I was fast asleep in bed when he came in shaking me saying "Where's Isaiah! I can't find Isaiah!". I jumped out of bed and we ran into his room checking under the covers and behind the chair. Then we went into Gabe's room, who was fast asleep in his crib, and found Isaiah sound asleep on the floor right next to the crib. Justin gently picked him up and moved him back into his bed. This morning we told Isaiah that we found him in Gabriel's room last night and asked him if he wanted to start sharing his room with Gabriel and he smiled and said "YEAH!" So, this afternoon we will be disassembling and reassembling the crib in Isaiah's room! I'm so glad to already start seeing that "brotherly love". This may be a pretty interesting experiment so stay tuned... I'll keep you posted! :)