Wednesday, July 01, 2009

life lately...

Gabe always comes and cuddles when I am nursing Luke. This picture was taken after I had finished feeding Luke on my bed. Gabe just loves having a baby brother. He is always the first to volunteer his help when he hears Luke fuss. I love watching them interact.
Justin planted a vegetable garden again this year. The green beans have been wonderful!!! This particular morning I headed out to the garden and Gabe ran after me. He would rather help in the garden than play in the pool! We'll see if that lasts through the teen years... An elderly man saw the boys sitting on the riding lawn mowers at Lowes one time and laughed and said "as soon as they're old enough to actually ride them, they don't want to do it anymore!" ;)

Isaiah made a very creative fort with the blocks the other day. The stairs coming out the front was a new idea! He is suh a smart little guy, I just love watching his little brain work. He blows me away daily with the questions he asks in the car. He wants to know how everything is made (we record that show ;)

All of the tantrums, sleepless nights, whining, you name it... all worth it when you get a glimpse of a moment like this...

We've really enjoyed the whole experience of having the kitties. We recently gave one of the black ones and the orange one to a friend Justin works with. Our favorite is Taz, the black and grey tabby. And we still have Boo, the sweet little one in the back. She was the runt of the litter, and a little shy.