Friday, March 02, 2012

Dissecting owl pellets

The other day we dissected owl pellets with Shannon, Zach and Jordan. I had never done it before. After getting over the initial squeamishness, it was actually pretty neat. Shannon had a chart of all the bones of several different animals that they eat. There were tons of little tiny bones in each pellet and you could look and see exactly what animal they can from and what part they were.

Beautiful day!

My mom and John just bought us an awesome new basketball hoop. I'm just as excited about it as the boys! I enjoy shooting hoops. I think we will spend a lot of family time out in the driveway :) It is the kind that installed, not portable, so we had to dig a big hole! The boys enjoyed that :) It was almost 80 degrees that day and it just made you happy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gabe turns 6!

We celebrated Gabe's 6th birthday this weekend with a sleepover party. I went into it expecting quite a bit of chaos but I knew it's really what Gabe wanted. He had asked for all these boys to spend the night at the same time for his party last year but With Lily only being a couple months old, I wasn't up for it. When he asked again this year, I couldn't say no. The first couple hours were crazy, and LOUD. They were all so excited to be together! Things SORT OF settled down :) They had a lot of fun, and that was what it was all about! Gabe thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention (which doesn't happen much for the middle brother). His friends gave him great gifts and they played Nerf gun wars for hours! It turned out only 4 of the kids actually spent the night. It was a sweet group :) Gabe has such a precious heart. It's a very unique part of his personality. He is my most affectionate. He often climbs into our bed in the wee hours of the morning and snuggles right up alongside you, almost underneath you somehow! Justin and I laugh about it! Being the middle brother can be tough, but he is a great sport. I do my best to make up for some of the unfairness, but some of it is just part of life. I believe it's actually given him some character. I love celebrating the special, uniqueness of each of my children. One, not greater than another. Just special in different ways. I can say this: He will make one heck of a husband one day...

Oh, I almost forgot... funny moment during the sleepover. I was picking up some of the mess on the floor getting ready to set out their sleeping bags. I found a pair of underwear that didn't belong to either of my boys. I held it up and asked who's it was and got a simultaneous "not mine!" So, I now have a pair of "mystery" underwear :D I thought that was so funny!