Saturday, June 02, 2007

One of those weeks...

So we didn't have a great week. Gabriel had a fever Sunday and Monday. Things seemed better on Tuesday. Then Wedneday we went to his 15 month check up and he had to get 3 shots. That afternoon he broke out in a rash around his face head and neck. I had used a different sunscreen on his face than usual, but just wasn't sure that it wasn't related to his shots since there was just a bit of irritation around the injection site. So, Thursday we were back to the doctors office to find out that it was indeed only a reaction to the sunscreen. All the while, Justin was out of town and Gabe's been having bad nights sleeping because his eye teeth are coming in. Thursday morning when we headed out to the store for Benadryll, I told Isaiah we were getting Gabe some medecine to help him stop itching. He looked at me plainly and said, "Mommy, Jesus can do that." As you can imagine, I stopped dead in my tracks and we both prayed for little Gabe. I wish I could say that in that instant he was miraculously healed, but he was not. I do think that no matter how God choses to heal us, he just wants us to have faith like a child and look to Him first instead of last. I have my three year old to thank for reminding me of that.

Monday, May 28, 2007

brotherly love

Even though we only get one of these moments to every 100 fights, seeing this makes it all worth it!