Saturday, March 14, 2009

One last belly shot

This little boy has sure kept up waiting, but something I realized this morning is that I hadn't taken a recent picture of my belly. It seriously looks like I have a basketball under my shirt! It has been a wonderful pregnancy but as of recently, a lot of the pregnancy side effects have become especially unpleasant and I can almost hear my body screaming for relief! But I am very thankful for three healthy pregnancies, and the fact that Luke is so happy and comfortable in there! Being late is a good problem to have. I just don't have any patience. Anyway, hope my next post includes pics of the man himself!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

no training wheels!!!

My big boy Isaiah mastered riding his bike without training wheels today! He has been practicing just gliding and balancing for the past few days. Today he went ahead and put his feet up on the pedals and off he went! He was immediately able to start and stop by himself. He looks like he's been doing it all his life! And the proud grin on his face makes a Mommy and Daddy feel like a million bucks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the mind of a 3 year old

The other day, Isaiah asked for a grilled cheese sandwich. Unsure of what that was, Gabe still decided he wanted to try one, but he wanted "boy cheese". It was so cute listening to Isaiah try to explain it to Gabe. Precious moments...