Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It turns out Luke did not have a hemangioma like Lily. His is a different kind of vascular growth. Lily's is part of her genetic makeup, Luke's came about later and is considered a growth. We had a doctor's appt. today with a dermatologist. I was expecting them to shine a laser at it and maybe have to come in for a follow up. Nope. They had to give him a shot in his nose, then CUT it off, and then burn it with a cauterizing tool..... I am still gathering myself together after that experience. Then, they told me they have to biopsy it. I don't know about you, but I think the word "biopsy" should somehow be spelled with four letters, because that's the kind of word it is to me. But I am sure it is nothing. Luke is a happy, healthy, vivacious little boy. They said there will be some scarring, and the potential for it to grow back. I am just thankful that our little bumps in the road are as simple as this. Luke is my child who can have me ready to strangle his neck, and then kiss all over his precious face in a split second. Justin and I talk about how we love his steadfastness. Most times, it's more of stubborness, or disobedience, but in the long run, I believe he will be a strong, in-it-for-the-long-run kind of guy. He doesn't give up. He gets that from his daddy :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Our perfectly classy-redneck family friday night

We started off with a little paintball target practice (at the shed ;)
No, I'm not pregnant again... launch operation lose 20 pounds... :(
Finished the evening with precious moments by the fire...

Inspired by the wigwam...

The boys and I studied about the Separatists, becoming the Pilgrims, meeting the "Indians", becoming the Colonists, and some of the details in between. They were very interested in learning the different ways the Native Americans built their homes. Basically four different ways, depending on climate. The wigwam was probably their favorite. After we finished our studies, they rushed outside, clearly inspired, to build their own! It was a fun day :)