Saturday, July 28, 2007

Raising kids is like exercise...'s sometimes exhausting and strenuous, but it's good for you and it makes you feel good. And it's ALWAYS worth the time you put into it!!!

Don't turn your back on a three year old - part II

Well, my three year old is giving me more than enough material to keep this blog updated daily! Let me fill you in since the last sprinkles story... because it continues! In the quest for another shower the other day (silly me, I should have known better) Isaiah, whom I thought was sound asleep facing the wall, but was really just faking it, decided that it was worth another try with the sprinkles. This time he decides to shake them all over his train table. On it I had his "Little People" set up. There is one piece with a circus scene with a carousel and "tea cups" ride. Isaiah dumped some sprinkles down in the seats and proceeded to shake water out of his not-so -spillproof cup onto the sprinkles creating a very sticky mess. I didn't even begin to tackle this one until the next day. Then yesterday, while I was trying to get some very important design work done before we go out of town, Gabriel was asleep and Isaiah was ready to move on from sprinkles. Yes, this time he chose waterproof mascara. Ladies, this stuff should be required to be kept in the medecine cabinet with a childproof lid. Isaiah first covered his face with it, eyebrows, lips and even teeth. Then he decided that he wanted his Spiderman sheets to have the black Spiderman instead of the red Spiderman, so three of the faces were painted black, along with some of the wall that got in his way. So, unable to hold in a chuckle, I was completely ineffective in my discipline. So much so that I wouldn't put it past him doing it again.
Just barely holding on,

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Barbie's Tuna Salad (from

This is for all you moms out there who are tired of eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with your kids! Every now and then I treat myself to this delicious recipe:

1- 7oz. can solid white tuna, drained and flaked
6 tbsp. mayo
1 tbsp. parmesan cheese
3 tbsp. sweet pickle relish
1/8 tsp. dried minced onion flakes (I use onion powder)
1/4 tsp. curry powder
1 tsbp. dried parsley
1 tsp. dried dill weed (I don't have any so I leave this out)
1 pinch garlic powder

Mix well and serve on crackers or a sandwich!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

showers are over-rated

Well, I know I've written before about my quest for a shower. Last time Isaiah drew all over the floor, thankfully with washable crayons! This time I left them contently watching Star Wars, only to get out and find Gabriel SITTING in my underwear drawer (the contents scattered on the floor) and Isaiah hiding on his bunkbed eating 3 year old christmas cookie sprinkles he found in the back of the pantry. Needless to say, if you ever see me looking a little greasy, or worse, you smell me before you see me, just remember my philosophy... showers are so over-rated!

king of the playground!

My neighbor got this great shot when we went to the park together last week.