Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Isaiah is potty training!!! As many of you know, I have recently struggled with getting Isaiah excited about using the potty. I have sought out advice from the best of the best (ie: Shannon, Meredith, Andra, to name a few) and decided to let it go for a while. Yesterday I decided to ask him to use the potty and he sat right on it a peed! So for the rest of the day he didn't wear a diaper and he used the potty every time! But.... there is a catch.... he won't wear underwear. So, yes, he walks around the house butt-naked. We bought spiderman underwear, nascar underwear, even the Cars movie underwear. He is totally not interested! So, now I have a NEW dilemma: how do I get my potty training child to wear underwear!!! :) Oh well, guess you can't win 'em all! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB ISAIAH!!!! He'll eventually put pants on when he gets cold enough!! That's a great start!! Thanks for the "best of the best" comment because my child diapered HIMSELF today, did his business then informed me to CHANGE him!! AND you think you got problems.....ha ha ha life is good God is good!! Have a great week!! Keep us posted!!