Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The s**t hit the fan last night!

So it started out as a nice relaxing day, doing laundry and getting back into the swing of things since getting back from our trip. I did some cleaning around the house, mopped the floors, bathed the dog, then scrubbed the tub so it would be ready for their bath. Before I could even wash their hair or bodies, Gabe poops in the tub! So I get the two of them and all their toys out of the tub and make them stand on the mat while I scrub the tub out, AGAIN! Of course they didn't stay on the mat where I asked them to. They went running around the house naked. Gabe realized that he wasn't finished pooping so he finished right in the middle of the hallway. Then another small piece fell in our bedroom and Isaiah managed to accidentally step in it. Then I hear the dog scratching at the door to get in... she's rolled in goose poop!!! SERIOUSLY!!! So I lock her outside until I can finish washing the tub and bathing the boys again. Then I bring Angel in and bathe her, AGAIN, and then wash the tub for a third time!!! I seriously think that after roughly 6 loads of laundry, bathing the kids twice and bathing the dog twice I must have used an illegal amount of water today. When Gabe pooped in the tub I knew I'd be mentioning it on my blog, but decided not to get the camera and spare you that image. But when all hell broke loose after that I knew I needed to document it or no one would believe me. So sorry for the images below, but I needed proof!

one can of Comet...88 cents
a little elbow grease... 0 dollars
the honor and priviledge of getting to do it all again tomorrow... PRICELESS

the guilty party


Shannon said...

Wow, major Code Brown!! The only way that could've gotten worse would have been for some of "it" to have literally flown up and hit the fan! No wonder you didn't bother to get too cleaned up today, who knows what might happen...

sharon said...

that was hilarious! my husband saw the title and sat down to read it. he said, "a title like that is read worthy"! thanks for giving us a great laugh today!