Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Naughty Virus

I went to the park with two great girlfriends yesterday and we were sitting around talking while the kids were playing nicely. They were sharing how yesterday was a rough day for them as far as behaviour and discipline goes. They asked how my day went, and it was fine, just had to do some stuff for work. I joked that we don't have behaviour and discipline issues at my house... big mistake! Like karma out to get me, that afternoon turned into a nightmare!!! My almost four year old peed in his pants, then later pooped in his pants, constantly yelled and talked rude to me, while I was on an important phone call, he and his brother tore up their rooms. Every drawer was turned upsidedown and emptied. Clothes were thrown out of the closet into a big pile on the floor, blankets and pillows were thrown out of Gabe's crib, the list goes on. It was unbelieveable. When I walked around the corner and saw this all I could say was "you've got to be kidding me". I was already exhausted because Gabe got up super early, so I wasn't even able to respond with a spank, or timeout, or to find a dungeon somewhere... oh, I'm sorry, did I actually type that? Just kidding, not really, but just kidding. So anyway, stay away from us for about 5-7 days. Unfortunately they don't have a vaccine for this.

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