Saturday, August 01, 2009

Giant Green Beans!!!

Funny story. This morning, I got up and went for my run. I noticed the farm aroud the corner had a fresh truckload of corn, so I decided after my run to go get some. Gabe came with me. He helped me count out two dozen, and enjoyed playing with a caterpillar and talking to sweet Miss Daisy. We headed back to the house and I told Gabe we now had some work to do (shucking). As soon as he saw Isaiah in the front yard he yelled "Zay-a! You gotta see dis! We got giant green beans! Dey're HUGE!!!" I realized I had some explaining to do. :) Wait until he finds out where milk comes from! (he learned at a farm last summer when he milked a cow with my Mom, but I'm pretty sure the understanding hasn't sunken in yet)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh my gosh, I'm laughing so hard it hurts!