Friday, April 08, 2011

Gorgeous Day!

The kids and I (minus Isaiah :( ) spent the morning at Lake Mackintosh, just down the road from our house. Every time I go there, I kick myself for not taking advantage of it more. It's such a beautiful place to wander around with the kids, and it's literally just down the road. We brought bread for the ducks, which the fish enjoyed as well. I brought the camera and caught some great shots of my beautiful kiddos.

Lukey almost has a "Joe Dirt" mullet in this picture!
It prompted me to cut his hair this evening :)

Here, Luke is contemplating how big a splash it would make if he pushed the stroller into the water...

the view from the park:
I was so focused on getting a jumping shot of Gabe, that I didn't notice Luke had picked up a water bottle from the ground and started sucking on it!!!!! AHHHH!!! ...not Mother-of-the-year.. 7 years running!!! On the bright side? He just finished up a round of antibiotics for an ear infection, so maybe that will help with any nasty germs he picked up?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Ha-ha! If it makes you feel any better, I walked into a Burger King one time when Nathan was about 2 and he went over to some table, picked up a drink someone had left and took a swig! GROSS!!!! But, he's one of my healthier kids :)