Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sleepover fun!

We had the pleasure of having Zach spend the night a couple weeks ago. These guys are best buds :) Zach is such a kind-hearted and imaginative boy. He is always coming up with great games for them all to play. He kind of acts like the ring-leader, not in a bossy way, just very entertaining. I try not to be too strict about messes during sleepovers. I pretty much just let then go crazy, as you can see :)

The next morning we headed outside for some water play. I set up a blanket with toys for Lily but she wanted to be right in the middle of the action! She kept crawling toward the boys :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Oh, man, sorry about the tent, he's kinda bad about that! Thanks again for having him, for being willing to do the middle of the night check and provide Zach-healthy food, etc., it means the world not only to Jon and I but to Zach, well.