Friday, November 20, 2009

So thankful I get to be a Mom : )

I will be the first to admit that being a Mom is HARD. H. A. R. D. HARD. But it is also brings me the greatest joy that my heart has ever felt. Isaiah drew this for me the other day ad I almost teared up when he presented it to me. Whenever he draws me, he always draws a lot of hearts. He takes my breath away sometimes. This pictures says "My Mon. is speshell. sh is m my mom e" I could just stop right now and go to heaven. Does it get any better than that?! I mean, really! Motherhood can be so tough, because while it can be physically draining, the hardest part is that it is emotionally draining. I am the worst at disciplining without feeling guilty. I absolutely believe that children need serious boundaries and that we are their parents, not their friends, for now anyway (my Mom and I are best friends now :) No other job on this earth could pull at your heart like motherhood. I am living everything I have ever dreamed of. (I know I just ended with a preposition) Yes, I get exhausted, yes, I get cranky, and yes, I complain, but when I step back, I am in awe. Life IS good :)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Beautifully put, Kit!